It's begun! Marvel has released the first official photo from the set of their upcoming super-film, The Avengers, and never before have seen such an impressive collection of truly powerful...chairs.
The photo features four folding director's chairs with heroes' names emblazoned upon them, and are presumably where Chris Hemsworth (Thor), Robert Downey, Jr. (Iron Man) and Chris Evans (Captain America) will rest their muscular, sculpted hindquarters when not calling Mark Ruffalo (Hulk) "Edward" or "Eric" as a gag. Talk about "AVENGERS ASS-EMBLE!" Wakka wakka!
Marvel has released the first official photo from the set of The Avengers as well as a press release about the filming, which just started this week.
Check out a smaller version of the photo below, or head over to for the full press release and high-res image. And make sure to keep checking back with UGO - later this week we hope to have a snapshot of the Avengers craft services table.